You can support the work of Waikereru by making a tax-deductible donation to The Longbush Ecological Trust. The trust is registered with the Charities Commission (CC45848) and IRD. Just press the ‘Donate’ button below to get started. Many thanks!
Alternatively, you can send a cheque to:
The Treasurer,
Longbush Ecological Trust,
14 Glen Road,
Stanley Bay,
Auckland 0624
The project has benefitted from generous help and sponsorship from many people and organisations in Gisborne and elsewhere.

About the Sponsors
Longbush Wines, owned by award-winning winemaker John Thorpe, has dedicated a royalty from four of his premium Longbush wines to the restoration of Longbush Reserve. Each of the premium wines is associated with one of the native birds in the bush.
The Waimata Cheese Company, owned by Richard and Carol Thorpe, makers of the award-winning Longbush cheeses, also supports the project. John and Richard share family memories of bike rides to Longbush Reserve, and picnics beside the Waimatā River.
In the case of our first titi translocation, because the titi chicks stayed longer in their burrows than intended, and the fence was a mission to build, the funding ran short. The brilliant Ecoworks team fed the chicks and did it all anyway - a heroic effort, and a generous gift to the project.
In addition, the Longbush Ecosanctuary project is supported by:
- The J.N. and H.B Williams Memorial Trusts, who have generously supported the restoration of Longbush Reserve, the reintroduction of native robins and the building of a bridge in the Reserve, and the creation of the 1769 Seed Archive.
- The J.D. Stout Trust, which has helped to fund a freshwater restoration project at the Ecosanctuary, and the 1769 Seed Archive.
- The Department of Conservation’s Biodiversity Fund (with thanks to Andy Bassett and Alan White)
- The Department of Conservation Lower North Island office (with thanks to Reg Kemper, John Lucas and De-Arne Robinson), for their generous contributions to the Ecosanctuary.
- Eastern Institute of Technology’s Conservation Corps (with thanks to Andy Carrie)
- Eastern Institute of Technology’s Surveying, Scaffolding and Construction Courses (with thanks to Steve Phelps, Matt Evans and Ben Robinson), for building the footbridge in Longbush Reserve
- The Queen Elizabeth II National Trust (with thanks to Malcolm Piper)
- The Gisborne District Council (with thanks to His Worship Meng Foon, the Mayor of the Gisborne / Tai Rawhiti District Council, and CE Judy Campbell)
- Turanga Ararau Iwi Tertiary Education Provider (with thanks to Kojak Oterangi Kutia and his team)
- The World Wildlife Fund for supporting the restoration of native robins and Manu Huna (Eastern brown kiwi) to Longbush.
- The Lion Foundation is supporting our work in the Orchiston Harakeke collection & Arboretum, and the Welcome Shelter.
- The Eastern & Central Community Trust
- The Les Renner Trust, which has given a generous donation to make the ongoing titi project possible.
- The Lotteries Commission has given a generous grant for pest and weed control, and another to upgrade the perimeter fence to exclude deer & goats, and to finish the 1769 Seed Archive.
- The Sir John Logan Campbell Trust and the Chartwell Trust, which contributed to the Welcome Shelter.
- The Eastland Community Trust, for their generous contribution to the Welcome Shelter, the 1769 Seed Archive and adjoining tracks.
- The Pacific Development and Conservation Trust, which helps to support the Orchiston Harakeke collection.
- The Air New Zealand Environment Trust, for fabulous support of the Wild Lab and our collaboration with Eastland Institute of Technology.
- The Queen Elizabeth II Trust, for their grant towards the Kohanga Kiwi via the Stephenson Fund.
- The Clark Trust, for their sustained sponsorship of the restoration of the Waikereru Hills.
- UNESCO and the Sunshine Foundation, for supporting our work with the Wild Lab Tiaki Taiao.
- The 80 or so other sponsors, and the 80 volunteers who made the Welcome Shelter possible (see our posts on the Welcome Shelter)